Norsk muskelterapi
Norsk muskelterapi is a clinic that offers massage therapy. They also offer a number of courses in masagge, muscle therapy, sport massage, stretching etc.
As part of my Bachelor project, I worked with two other student to make a mobile application with 3D-animated videoes and voice-over. The videos were to demonstarte and explain how to perform different stretching exercises.
3D – Animations
My part in the Bachelor project was to sculpt, texturize and animate the 3D-model. I retopologized the model using the program Zbrush and and created the textures with Adobe Substance Painter, while everything else (including rigging) was done in Blender. I made a total of 9 videos, and helped recording my voice for the voice-overs.
About the modell
The modell was kept gender-neutral in order to let the users “see themselfs” in the exercises. I combined both feminine and masculine traits in order to achieve a non-binary look. By avoiding any geneder traits the model is kept relatable to everyone, as well a inclusive.
I dropped details such as eyes, nose and hair in order to keep the neuteral look, and to not pass the deadline for the project. Clothes were also ingnored as the visibility of the muscles were requested by the company. They wanted to somehow showcase what muscles were being used while doing the different exercises.